Sack Trucks: A Simple Solution To Heavy Lifting

Sack trucks are essential in schools, supermarkets and demanding working environments where heavy lifting is a daily task. They lighten the load on warehouse operatives and factory workers. While they can help speed up everyday processes in distribution facilities and stock rooms. But what are sack trucks, and why should you invest in them? In […]

Best Pallet Trucks For Warehouse Workers

The advantages of using pallet trucks (or pallet jacks) in warehouses are well-documented. They assist employees in moving and handling pallets. While helping them operate more safely in demanding working environments. If your needs do not stretch to a forklift, and standard trucks and trolleys are not suitable for the job, a pallet truck could […]

Sack Trucks: A Simple Guide

Sack trucks are essential in warehouses, factories, construction sites and anywhere where heavy items are moved every day. They’ll make your workplace more efficient and reduce the risk of injury from heavy lifting. But what kind of sack truck should you choose? Do you know your solid wheels from your pneumatic wheels? If not, don’t […]

Should I Buy or Hire?

The age-old question ‘Should I Buy or Hire?’ The orders are flying in and your business is growing. However, a growing business means you need to invest in more equipment to stay efficient. It might mean that you need more pallet trucks for your warehouse or trolleys for your extra office space. But should you […]

Back To Business: COVID Ready Workplace Guidelines

The pandemic has affected us all in one way or another, with many smaller businesses being the hardest hit. But, with vaccines rolling out at an unprecedented rate, schools reopening, and significant parts of the economy expected to open by mid-April, there is light at the end of the Coronavirus tunnel. So it is time […]

Best Trolleys For Schools

Trucks and trolleys are essential in school environments. They help teachers share equipment without heavy lifting, allow pupils to move books and sporting accessories without risking injury, and facilitate moving tables and chairs in assembly rooms. The UK government promising to increase school spending by £2.2 billion in 2021. Now is the perfect time to […]

Why I need a high lift pallet truck for my warehouse?

In a busy warehouse, you need to move heavy goods quickly, safely, and efficiently on a daily basis. To keep your operations running like clockwork, you need to invest in the right equipment.  A high lift pallet truck is an essential piece of kit for your warehouse. But what is it and why do you need […]

Why a container trolley will help with your DIY

DIY doesn’t need to be hard, but too many times it is harder than it needs to be. DIY is portrayed as such an easy thing to do whereas so often you are left wishing that you had just bitten the bullet and called a professional to do it. From injuries to arguments, DIY can […]

Do You Lift More Than You Can Handle at Work?

Have you ever gone to lift something at work on your own, knowing that you probably shouldn’t? If you’re short-staffed or need to get something done in a hurry, it’s tempting, but have you considered the possible consequences? Lifting something that’s too heavy can result in musculoskeletal injuries that require time off work. They can […]

Where are the Safest (and Least Safe) Places to Work in Europe?

You might think you can’t move for safety signs and health and safety rules in Britain, but workers in some countries would be glad to have even half of the protections at work that we do, as you’ll see in this blog. So where are the safest and least safe places to work in Europe? […]

14 Weird Workplace Accidents That Will Make You Laugh out Loud

14 Weird Workplace Accidents That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud You might think that workplace accidents are no laughing matter, until you see the responses given in a survey carried out by the good people at Office Genie, who asked ‘What’s the weirdest injury you’ve obtained at work?’ Here are some of our favourite […]

How to Bring the Spirit of Christmas Into Your Workplace

How to Bring the Spirit of Christmas Into Your Workplace It’s a busy time of year for everyone, not just with the family at home but at work too, as the Christmas/end of year rush is in full swing. And it takes its toll on people’s stress levels. Many people feel stressed and anxious or […]

How an Ergonomic Workplace Means Healthy Employees and Healthy Profits

How an Ergonomic Workplace Means Healthy Employees and Healthy Profits If you’re a business owner, you’ll know that a healthy workforce means a healthy company and healthy profits. While sickness and injuries do happen, you’d rather that your employees didn’t get sick because of something that happened at work. This costs you time and money […]

How a Safer Workplace Boosts Your Bottom Line

How a Safer Workplace Boosts your Bottom Line Health and Safety regulations are first and foremost designed to keep employees safe at work, but that’s not the only benefit of making sure your workplace is a safe and healthy place to be. Managers and owners should also think about how introducing and maintaining safe working […]

Working Safely When the Temperature Rises

Working Safely When the Temperature Rises While there’s a minimum workplace temperature that you can legally work in, there’s unfortunately no upper limit, and if you’re anything like most Brits, you’re likely to have been sweating buckets at work during this spell of warm weather. Most people work comfortably at temperatures between 16 and 24 […]

Think Health and Safety Isn’t Important? Think Again

Think Health and Safety Isn’t Important? Think Again If you’re one of those people that rolls your eyes when health and safety is mentioned in your workplace, you’re probably not alone. But no matter how much the rules and regulations make you want to tear your hair out, they’re there for a reason. 137 workers […]

Spring Clean Your Workplace to be More Productive

Spring Clean your Workplace to Be More Productive When you think of spring cleaning, you probably think about going through your house to spruce up the areas you might not get a chance to clean regularly, but what about spring cleaning your workplace to make it more productive? Workplace cleaning can be cleaning your office […]

New Year’s Safety Resolutions You Should Make for Your Business

New Year’s Safety Resolutions You Should Make for Your Business No matter how safe you consider your workplace to be, there’s always room for improvement. Health and safety is often one of those topics that is treated like a tick box exercise or that is met with eye rolls when it is discussed, but having […]

How to Run a Safe and Productive Industrial Workplace

How to Run a Safe and Productive Industrial Workplace Keeping a busy workplace running smoothly takes a lot of time and effort, and it takes common sense, organisation, and investment in the right equipment to make sure it runs as efficiently, safely, and productively as possible. This is especially important in industrial working environments like […]

The Unsung Heroes of the Workplace

Stock Trolleys and Storage Containers: The Unsung Heroes of the Workplace Stock trolleys and the plastic containers that come with them are the unsung heroes of many a workplace, from warehouses to factories and workshops. They improve efficiency, they save space, and they can accommodate items of different shapes and sizes that can prove difficult […]