Spring Clean your Workplace to Be More Productive

When you think of spring cleaning, you probably think about going through your house to spruce up the areas you might not get a chance to clean regularly, but what about spring cleaning your workplace to make it more productive?

Workplace cleaning can be cleaning your office from top to bottom, giving it a lick of paint, organising or shredding files and paperwork.

When you get rid of mess and clutter, it improves productivity and performance.

How to spring clean your workplace

Look at your own workspace: Is it clean and free of clutter? Is everything you need regularly accessible? How are you supposed to be productive if your surrounded by piles of paper or boxes?

Look at your computer: Delete any files you don’t use regularly and organise everything efficiently, so you can find information quickly when you need to.

Get everyone involved

Spring cleaning shouldn’t just be left to a few people, keeping a workplace clean, organised, and safe is everyone’s business. If you’re a manager or business owner, explain to employees that there are benefits to keeping the workplace clean and tidy. They’ll be able to complete tasks more easily because things they need will be easier to find. This will make them more productive, which makes the business more successful and profitable, which then makes their jobs more secure.

Clean the workplace, step by step

  • Discard and de-clutter anything you don’t need, whether you need to file, store, organise, or get rid of something. Keep hallways and walkways free from boxes and clutter.
  • Scrub floors, shampoo carpets and give walls a lick of paint.
  • Check all equipment to make sure it is working properly, and deal with anything that needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • Make sure workstations and regularly used items are kept in places where they can be quickly and easily found.
  • Encourage everyone to take responsibility for keeping their own workspace free from clutter.
  • Agree with everyone that you’ll put a regular deep clean on the calendar to keep the workplace organised, safe, clean, and productive.

Lead by example. If you’re a manager or business owner, demonstrating a willingness to keep the workplace clean and tidy, especially your own workspace will make employees more likely to do the same.