New Year’s Safety Resolutions You Should Make for Your Business

No matter how safe you consider your workplace to be, there’s always room for improvement. Health and safety is often one of those topics that is treated like a tick box exercise or that is met with eye rolls when it is discussed, but having a safe working environment is not only a legal requirement, it makes sound business sense.

A safer place of work means less injuries to employees, less sick pay you have to pay out, and less potential for negligence claims.

Running a safe business needn’t be an arduous task, here are some practical new year’s safety resolutions you should make for your business.

Scrutinise your workplace for potential hazards

Every workplace will have a risk assessment for work tasks and the working environment, but be sure to look at the following:

  • Look at the condition of work areas, are they dusty? Might employees be inhaling dust or metal dust particles from tasks like sanding or drilling?
  • Look at tools and equipment and check they are all safe to use and appropriate for the environment they are being used in.
  • Do your employees have access to the equipment they need to do their job?
  • Is the protective equipment they are provided with in good condition?

Review training

Adequate training is a vital part of any workplace safety programme.

  • Review training to make sure it meets legal requirements and that everything is up to date.
  • Encourage employees to proactively take part in training and make sure it’s hands on, so everyone can carry out work tasks safely. Ask them for suggestions on how the workplace can be made safer.
  • Recognise and reward safe behaviour.


As well as having adequate policies and procedures in place, having the right equipment makes all the difference to workplace safety. Our products are the highest quality and made to last, why not consider investing in new equipment for your business for the new year?