How to Bring the Spirit of Christmas Into Your Workplace

It’s a busy time of year for everyone, not just with the family at home but at work too, as the Christmas/end of year rush is in full swing. And it takes its toll on people’s stress levels.

Many people feel stressed and anxious or even depressed at this this time of year, and they can bring it into work with them. Whether it’s money worries, the pressure of getting everything done and having no time, or having relatives they don’t see eye to eye with descending on them, it can all affect their work. It can make people less productive, but so can some seasonal slacking off as some workers mentally check out and get into the Christmas spirit before they officially finish work for the holidays.

So how can you make it easier for your employee to cope and bring a little bit of Christmas joy into your workplace?

Give them a gift

It doesn’t have to break the bank, but giving them a token of your appreciation at Christmas will remind them of how much you appreciate their hard work throughout the year.

Be flexible

The pressure of having so much to do in so little time is what makes Christmas so stressful. If you can, allow your employees to work flexible hours so that they can fit in some shopping or seeing their kids’ nativity play. You’ll have motivated and loyal employees who are far less stressed

Bring in a bit of fun

Put up some decorations, bring in some chocolates or mince pies, have a Christmas jumper day, and of course, have a party or at least a social get together. These don’t cost much but you’ll be surprised at the difference it can make to morale.

And, we hear you say, what about me, the stressed out boss?

Tie up your loose ends and plan for the new year

Think about what you want to get stuck into next year, set goals, and it will motivate you come January when you step back into the office.

End the year on a high

Before you break up for the holidays, do one thing that’s going to make you feel good and end the year on a good note, whether it’s finally getting a job done that’s been hanging over your head or making peace with someone you constantly do battle with at work.

Above all…enjoy the break!!!

Yes, you’re the boss, and yes, the buck stops with you. But you’re also a human being who works hard and deserves some time off. Let your hair down, enjoy your time with family and friends because January will soon be here. The world doesn’t stop turning when you’re out of the office!