Protecting Your Pallet Truck When it Gets Cold 

A pallet truck is the unsung hero of the warehouse. They work hard for you day in, day out and they’re a worthy investment if you look after them. When it comes to protecting your pallet trucks you should do it all year round, but especially when it gets cold. Here’s why. Why look after […]

How to Get Your School Ready for the New Year

The summer holidays go by in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, it’s almost time for the new school year. For teachers, that means one thing; you need to get organised. But don’t panic, we’ve put together a handy guide on how to get your school ready for the start of […]

How to Improve Your Warehouse Safety

According to the HSE, there are thousands of accidents and injuries in the warehousing sector every year. In some cases, these result in fatalities. While sometimes it’s not possible to eliminate risk, you should reduce it as much as possible. By making warehouse safety a priority, managers and owners can reduce the risks to employees […]

Sack Trucks: A Simple Solution To Heavy Lifting

Sack trucks are essential in schools, supermarkets and demanding working environments where heavy lifting is a daily task. They lighten the load on warehouse operatives and factory workers. While they can help speed up everyday processes in distribution facilities and stock rooms. But what are sack trucks, and why should you invest in them? In […]

Best Pallet Trucks For Warehouse Workers

The advantages of using pallet trucks (or pallet jacks) in warehouses are well-documented. They assist employees in moving and handling pallets. While helping them operate more safely in demanding working environments. If your needs do not stretch to a forklift, and standard trucks and trolleys are not suitable for the job, a pallet truck could […]

Sack Trucks: A Simple Guide

Sack trucks are essential in warehouses, factories, construction sites and anywhere where heavy items are moved every day. They’ll make your workplace more efficient and reduce the risk of injury from heavy lifting. But what kind of sack truck should you choose? Do you know your solid wheels from your pneumatic wheels? If not, don’t […]

Where are the Safest (and Least Safe) Places to Work in Europe?

You might think you can’t move for safety signs and health and safety rules in Britain, but workers in some countries would be glad to have even half of the protections at work that we do, as you’ll see in this blog. So where are the safest and least safe places to work in Europe? […]

The Top 10 Health and Safety Myths

The Top 10 Health and Safety Myths Everyone has their own opinions on health and safety. There’s a sensationalist headline every day about ‘health and safety gone mad’ and some story about the powers that be banning conkers, so that’s why the Health and Safety Executive wanted to set people straight. They’ve published a list […]

5 Tips for Handling Drums Safely

5 Tips for Handling Drums Safely If a big part of your business is handling drums, it’s not only important that your employees know how to handle them safely, they also need to be aware of how to safely handle what’s inside of them. Here are our 5 tips for handling drums safely. Always use […]

How to Make Delivering Goods Safer

How to Make Delivering Goods Safer Delivering goods safely is about more than manual handling, though it is a big part of the job. Delivery drivers have to encounter constantly changing situations and delivery locations, so sensible judgements need to be made about the safety of each delivery they make. Things to consider when delivering […]

Manual Handling: The Art of Safer Lifting

Manual Handling: The Art of Safer Lifting Manual handling covers many work activities like lifting, pushing, pulling, holding, and carrying. Manual handling tasks are often repetitive and can include things like packing, assembling, and using machinery and equipment. Most jobs involve some kind of manual handling, so most workers are at risk of injury. You […]

Think Health and Safety Isn’t Important? Think Again

Think Health and Safety Isn’t Important? Think Again If you’re one of those people that rolls your eyes when health and safety is mentioned in your workplace, you’re probably not alone. But no matter how much the rules and regulations make you want to tear your hair out, they’re there for a reason. 137 workers […]

New Year’s Safety Resolutions You Should Make for Your Business

New Year’s Safety Resolutions You Should Make for Your Business No matter how safe you consider your workplace to be, there’s always room for improvement. Health and safety is often one of those topics that is treated like a tick box exercise or that is met with eye rolls when it is discussed, but having […]

How to Use a High Lift Pallet Truck Safely

How to Use a High Lift Pallet Truck Safely A greater emphasis on safety in the workplace, better understanding of the risks involved in work activities, and more focus on training has reduced the number of accidents that occur day to day. However, some work duties are inherently dangerous, so you have to minimise risk […]

Working at Heights – How to Stay Safe

Working at Height: How You Can Stay Safe The Working at height regulations 2005 were introduced to prevent deaths and injuries to people who work at height in the course of their jobs. Falls from height are one of the biggest causes of workplace deaths and significant injuries. The most common causes of accidents that […]

Safety Signs and Their Importance in the Workplace

Safety Signs and Their Importance in the Workplace As well as a selling a huge variety of trucks and trolleys, we also sell safety signs for your workplace. Many people roll their eyes at the mention of health and safety, and complain that there are often too many signs telling us to do one thing […]