A pallet truck is the unsung hero of the warehouse. They work hard for you day in, day out and they’re a worthy investment if you look after them. When it comes to protecting your pallet trucks you should do it all year round, but especially when it gets cold. Here’s why.

Why look after it in the winter?

Cold, wet conditions can affect the components of your pallet truck. This can mean reduced performance or it can stop working altogether. A pallet truck isn’t that expensive compared to some investments you’ll make. However, you don’t want to dip into funds that could be better spent elsewhere to replace it. Don’t risk order delays or lower productivity, look after your pallet truck.

How to protect your pallet truck in cold weather

Check it over daily

You should already have a maintenance routine in place. However, in the winter you need to step it up. Arm your employees with a check sheet. Make sure they thoroughly check the overall condition of the pallet truck. This includes lights, brakes, fluids, any controls, the lifting mechanism, steering column, and tyres. Daily checks mean you can spot any issues early and get the truck repaired ASAP.

Protect your pallet truck from accidental damage

Darker mornings and nights mean that employees will be working in reduced visibility. Reduce the risk of crashes or other accidental damage by:

  • Make sure you have adequate lighting on your premises, loading bay, and yard;
  • Ensuring that all employees wear high visibility clothing and routes in and around the premises are clearly marked;
  • Placing mats near entrances and exits for employees and visitors to wipe their feet. This sounds like a small thing. But wild winter weather means people trail mud and wet leaves onto the premises. These can make your pallet truck skid or cause the mechanisms to jam. As well as having mats in place, make sure you keep floors clean and clear for the same reason.


Just like you’d wrap up against the cold weather, you can accessorise your pallet truck too. Protect key areas of the truck like the controls or lifting mechanism with protective sleeves. This keeps the cold out and keeps your equipment ticking over. 

When you invest in any type of equipment for your warehouse or factory, you want it to last. Protecting your pallet truck is important all year round, but especially in the winter months. Follow our tips and your warehouse workhorse will be helping you get the job done for years to come.

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