Delivering kegs of beer to pubs or clubs? Need to move them around your cellar? You’ll know that kegs are heavy and awkward. One wrong move when shifting them could result in a hernia or back strain. However, there is an inexpensive and innovative way to avoid strain and injury. Invest in a keg trolley.

The Benefits of Using a Keg Trolley

There’s a manual handling aid for everything these days, so there’s no excuse for struggling on and risking injury. According to the HSE, manual handling injuries accounted for 18% of all reported injuries in the year 2020-21. They came second only to slips, trips, and falls. As an employer, you have a legal duty to assess and reduce the risk posed by manual handling. Reducing the risk could include something like investing in a manual handling aid.

Keg trolleys are specifically designed to help workers move heavy kegs around with ease. Here are just some of the reasons that businesses in the brewing and hospitality industries should invest;

Key Trolleys Help Prevent Injury

A keg trolley takes the stress and strain out of heavy lifting for delivery drivers, cellar staff, and bar staff. Don’t want your staff to have to deadlift or drag kegs across the cellar? Invest in a trolley that will make lifting kegs safer and more efficient.

They are Compact

Though they’re designed to help you lift heavy kegs, keg trolleys are incredibly compact. This means they won’t take up precious space in your cellar or delivery van.

It’s a High Value, Low-Cost Piece of Kit

We know money is always a concern. However, whenever you invest in new equipment, you have to weigh up the costs versus the benefits. Consider the budget-friendly cost of a keg trolley versus sick pay, accident compensation, or lost productivity.

Our Keg Trolley

Our keg trolley is an occupational health and safety essential for the hospitality industry. If you want premium quality in a compact package, you’ve found it.

Its durable welded steel framework is perfectly designed to help you move 11-gallon kegs or casks. An ergonomic handle makes for an easy grip and helps you stay in control of the load at all times. The two robust wheels will help you navigate smooth floor surfaces.

If you want to encourage safer and more efficient lifting in your hospitality business, look no further. This compact, practical, and budget-friendly solution is a worthwhile investment.

For more interesting articles on all things trucks and trolleys, check out the rest of our blog.