Sack trucks are the manual handling workhorses of the workplace. They make moving goods more efficient and much safer if you know how to operate them safely. Here’s our guide to how to use a sack truck safely.

Why use a sack truck?

According to the HSE, incorrect manual handling causes 20% of workplace injuries. Manual handling aids like sack trucks take the strain out of moving heavy loads, reducing the risk of injury. Safer moving and handling means better compliance with health and safety and less working days lost due to injury.

Using a sack truck safely-essential pre-use checks

To make sure your sack truck is safe to use, you need to carry out some essential checks:

Check the wheels

Are they turning freely and correctly? How is the tyre pressure and the tread? Over or under-filled tyres can reduce your sack truck’s performance.

Look for defects

Examine your sack truck for defects like bending and rusting. In particular, check for damage to the axle, handle, catches, and toe plate.

Think about the load you need to move

Does the sack truck have the capacity to carry the load you need it to? Exceeding the weight capacity can cause damage to the truck and injury to you.

How to use a sack truck safely

If you’re satisfied that your sack truck is in good working order, now it’s time to use it.

Loading the truck

The safest way to transport multiple items is to stack the heaviest on the bottom and the lighter goods on the top. This will help make sure the truck is stable. If the goods feel unsteady, strap them securely to the truck or make a couple of trips.

Moving the goods

Take hold of the handle and keeping your back straight, tip the truck towards you. Once it’s resting on its back wheels, push it in the direction you want to go.

Unloading the goods

When it comes to unloading your sack truck, remember the rules of safe manual handling. Unload one item at a time, and lift it with a straight back and bended knees. Try to avoid twisting as you lift.

Using a sack truck safely-FAQs

Do I need training to use a sack truck?

Sack trucks are simple to use, however it never hurts to learn how to use them safely. It might be an idea to give workers a quick training session to help prevent accidents and injuries.

Do I need to wear protective equipment when I’m using a sack truck?

A good pair of gloves to protect your hands, safety boots, and hi-vis clothing should suffice.

When I’m operating the sack truck, it feels like it’s dragging-why is this?

There could be a few reasons why the truck is not moving as it should. Check if you:

  • Have exceeded the weight limit. An overloaded truck is a sluggish truck.
  • Have missed a defect in your pre-use checks.
  • Are using a truck with the right type of wheels for the terrain.

Hopefully after reading our advice, you’ll be able to use a sack truck safely. Have more questions about our sack trucks or any of the other trucks in our range?