It’s been a tough couple of years for hospitality to say the least.  However, it’s a new year. As you get back on your feet, you need to think about how to entice customers back in. Bottle skips might not be at the top of your wish list, but discerning customers notice details.

Signs your Bottle Skips Need Replacing

They look beaten up and tired

Bottle skips are the unsung workhorses of a busy bar or restaurant. Day after day, you fill them to the brim, drag them out to your recycling bins, empty them, then fill them again. Without them, there’d be glass bottles lying around on floors and tables. Not a good look and not very safe, either.

It stands to reason that such a hardworking piece of equipment is going to look a bit tired before long. The only thing is, customers notice these kinds of things. You need to keep your bar or restaurant looking welcoming. You want front of house in your hotel to look smart. Do yourself a favour and invest in some new skips!

Your bottle skips are cracked

They may be made from durable materials. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t susceptible to damage. If the body of any of your bottle skips is full of cracks, this can mean leakages and injured hands for whoever’s moving them. Any sort of damage  warrants buying replacements, pronto.

The wheels aren’t working as they should

Most bottle skips have castors that make them easy to move, even when they are full. If the castors aren’t working or they are damaged, the skip will be harder to move and it might even cause injury. Nobody wants to put their back out straining to lift a heavy bin full of bottles.

Our Bottle Skips

Our bottle skips are a workplace essential for any hospitality venue. They make light work of collecting empty bottles and cans. They’re also super easy to manoeuvre and clean.

If your bottle skips are past their best, you’ll find something in our range to complement your venue. Whether you want a skip with or without handles, or you need something colour-coded, we’ve got it. If you want to add to your environmental credentials, there’s also a model made from recycled materials.

Make 2022 the year you say goodbye to jaded bottle skips and hello to new equipment that takes your venue onwards and upwards. For more interesting articles on all things trucks and trollies, check out the rest of our blog