Prepare Your Business for the Christmas Rush

Christmas is by far the busiest time of year for many businesses. Black Friday is on the horizon and with more and more big names going out of business, consumer cash is up for grabs among the companies who have survived.

This is why it’s so important to plan ahead for the busy Christmas period, because if you don’t, you’ll get left behind and face a huge headache when you try to keep up with the surge in demand for goods and services.

Here are some tips on how you can be prepared and keep things running smoothly right into the new year.


Make sure you have the equipment you need

You need the right materials handling equipment and you might need more of it to keep up the pace. Think about whether you might need to hire equipment like extra forklifts too if you’re having to accept, move, and ship twice the amount of goods. Remember too that some of this equipment might need to be weather proof if you’re moving goods to vans or containers outdoors.

Check machinery and manual handling equipment maintenance contracts are in place

At the busiest time of the year, you need your equipment to be working efficiently and safely because productivity levels need to be consistently high. Check that maintenance is up to date and that any servicing that is required has been carried out. This can save you from unexpected costs and downtime at a crucial time for your business.

Keep your site safe

Snow and ice can be hazardous for employees and it can be dangerous to operate equipment where it’s slippery, so make sure that you have arrangements in place to keep work areas, walkways and delivery bays clear.

Make sure employees are up to speed

Yes it’s a busy time of year, but make sure employees know that they should give the same care and attention to their work as they always do. Rushing around like a headless chicken can cause errors and accidents which isn’t good for anyone. This point includes temporary staff that you might take on to help during the Christmas rush. Don’t skimp on the training they need to do their job safely and efficiently.

When you’re busy, it’s easy to not be able to see the wood for the trees, but taking some time to prepare in advance might save a lot of aggravation and lost profits down the line.