An order picking trolley is an essential piece of equipment for a warehouse. With the growth of online shopping showing no signs of slowing, your order picking process has to be seamless. Slow and inaccurate picking can lose your clients and impact your profits. Here’s why an order picking trolley can improve efficiency in your warehouse.

An order picking trolley can make workers’ lives easier

Picking orders in a warehouse can be an arduous job. Depending on the size of the warehouse, workers might have to walk miles every day. Not to mention lifting and transporting heavy items.  A good quality order picking trolley can make their lives a whole lot easier. Features like swivel castors and integrated handles will make it much easier to manoeuvre goods around the warehouse. Workers will be able to pick goods with less effort, stress, and strain thanks to this multi-tasking trolley.

It can save time

Normally, high-demand goods that are ordered together are stored in the same area of a warehouse. 

There are times though when order pickers have to travel between different areas of the warehouse to pick up items. This is where an order picking trolley comes into its own. Most models have individual shelves, boxes, or containers where you can store different items. Workers will be able to pick more orders and make fewer trips doing so. If you want to improve the efficiency of your warehouse, investing in this trolley is a no-brainer.

Order picking trolleys make sure that no goods are out of reach

Forget straining or climbing on racking to reach goods at height. Many of these trolleys have integrated steps or ladders. This means that workers won’t waste time scrabbling around for the right piece of equipment when they need to reach goods at height.

They also won’t consider climbing on racking and sending your insurance premiums sky-high! While an order picking trolley makes things safer and easier for workers, it also helps you get goods out faster. Today’s customers demand quick processing and delivery as well as excellent customer service. You also need to protect your workers and make their lives a little easier. You can do both in one fell swoop by investing in an order picking trolley.

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