Make Light Work of Stairs and Steps with a Stairclimber Truck

Whether it is your business premises that has stairs, or you have to carry things in and out of customers’ homes or premises, a regular sack truck is sometimes just not up to the job. Trying to take loads up staircases and stairways can cause injury, and it’s not a very efficient way of working. For these jobs, you need a stairclimber truck.

What are Stairclimber trucks?

A normal sack truck is really handy for moving heavy loads around on flat surfaces. The second you need to take goods up stairs though, you need a stairclimber truck.

Stair climber trucks have special rotating wheels, fitted in a triangular structure which make light work of going up or down flights of stairs.

Reducing the risk of injuries

An important benefit of having stairclimbing trucks in your business is that it helps workers to avoid injury. People who move heavy goods around are at risk of lower back injury, and stairclimbers can help to reduce the risk of injuries because workers don’t have to take all the strain of lifting the items.

Reducing the number of workers needed to do the job

Now one worker can often do the job of two with the help of a stairclimber. This makes good business sense; you need to hire less people, but you get just as many loads dealt with.

Deliver your items safely

If goods are damaged due to a load being dropped, this equals more costs for your business. And not only that, it looks unprofessional. Using a stairclimber can make moving and handling of heavy or awkward items effortless.

Our stairclimber sack truck

Our Wide Stairclimber Sack Truck is a great investment for your business. It’s made from top quality materials and it has an ergonomic handle to help you to keep a strong grip while you are moving loads. It also has a strap for securing loads in place while they are being moved, and the pneumatic wheels make light work of steps and stairs.

If your work tasks involve regularly moving heavy loads up and down stairs, why continue to struggle and risk injury and damage to goods? Invest in the right equipment to boost productivity and make every task a whole lot safer!