How to Keep Your Warehouse Secure

Warehouses hold a lot of valuable stock so they can be a target for thieves. Around 20% of all crimes record in the UK are thefts or other offences against businesses, so it’s important that you put measures in place to protect your property and stock.

Assess the risks

When preventing your business from being targeted, it’s important to assess potential risks. CCTV and alarm systems can be a useful deterrent but those alone are often not enough to prevent a burglary.

How secure is your warehouse?

No one measure will completely eliminate the risk of theft, but if you combine a few tried and tested methods, you can really reduce the risk of your business suffering losses due to theft.

The building

CCTV: This is a good deterrent when it is prominently displayed outside and inside of the building.

Locks and key controls: Windows, doors, and gates should always be securely locked with padlocks, and you can always consider installing access control systems where a code is required to gain entry to the premises. This goes a long way towards preventing unauthorised access.

Lighting: Lighting inside and outside of the building needs to be adequate. Darkness can provide cover for potential thieves or vandals. All entrances, exits, handling and storage areas, and parking areas should be well lit, for safety as well as security.

Car Parks and loading bays: Keep car parks and loading bays separate if possible because thieves can easily steal goods and transfer them straight to their vehicle.

Regularly check day to day operations: Supervisors should walk around the warehouse regularly to check day to day operations. This way, any discrepancies or unusual activity will be much easier to spot.

Limit access to the premises: Control access to the premises by limiting access to one way in and one way out for employees, clients, and other visitors like contractors.


Do the necessary checks when hiring: Always check references, background, and criminal records during the recruitment process.

Make employees award of good security practices: Train them to spot any unusual activity, like people hanging around the premises, or trying to gain unauthorised access to the building.

Control employee access to certain areas of the building: If you stock particularly expensive goods or there are areas that hold sensitive information, only give employees access to the areas they need to be in to do their job.

Monitor visitors: Ask all visitors to the premises to sign in and out and ask to see photo ID or require them to wear a visitor badge.

Extra measures

Protect entrances: Think about investing in security doors which have superior locking systems and are impact proof.

Keep your stock secure: Invest in security cages to protect your stock and prevent unauthorised access to it. Our wire shelf security cage keeps goods visible but safely and securely locked away. It’s made of tough wire mesh, and its shelves are adjustable to suit every load. For extra security, padlocks are available separately.