Trolleys Industry Focustilt-3


In any general hospital, there are many departments, which carry out a wide variety of treatments and procedures. To carry out these procedures, safely and efficiently, equipment has to be moved between departments constantly. Using a trolley is the easiest way of doing so.

In any health centre or hospital, space is an issue, so trolleys are preferable to built-in storage units. Trolleys can be moved to wherever they are needed, for whatever purpose.

Types of hospital trolleys

There are many different types of trolley used in healthcare, as such a huge variety of tasks are carried out in many very different departments. Here are some of the trolleys that you will most commonly see:

Trolleys for collection and storage

These might be quite large, as they tend to be used for transporting heavy and expensive pieces of medical equipment or for storage of equipment or supplies such as oxygen cylinders.

Medical records trolley

This gives staff easy access to patient records, where space might be hard to come by.

Bin trolleys

These are used to dispose of sharps and other single use equipment that might be contaminated with bodily fluid so it can’t be put into a regular waste bin.

Linen trolleys

These are used to make the transportation of large amounts of hospital linen easier and enable staff to change beds more quickly.


Hospital departments that might use trolleys  

Accident and emergency

Trolleys are used extensively in A & E, and one of the essential trollies, apart from the trolleys used to move patients, is the trolley where dressings and other implements are stored, for use on minor injuries or in surgeries.


Trolleys are essential in this department for storing all of the equipment which is needed during operations. The trolleys of choice are usually fitted with removable trays. Stainless steel is often the material of choice, as the standards for infection control are very high in an operating theatre and stainless steel doesn’t rust or degrade if it is looked after properly.


This unit screens for cancers, cysts, other signs of possible tissue damage, and they also deal with pregnancy scans. A robust trolley is needed to hold the necessary, and expensive, equipment.


Intensive Care

Trolleys need to be adaptable to store the exact equipment to meet the needs of each patient that is critically ill. They need to be sturdy too, as equipment used in this department is usually very specialist and expensive.


Obviously, any trolleys or carts that are used by the pharmacy or by any department dealing with drugs at all have to be lockable and completely secure, as a potentially very serious situation could occur if drugs went missing or were stolen.


The qualities of ideal trolleys for the healthcare industry


A good healthcare trolley should be able to be used in any part of a hospital or health centre. They should be adaptable for different tasks and needs, and they should have adequate and safe storage for equipment such as syringes and sharps disposal units, for example.


The trolleys need to be sturdy enough to meet the demands of a busy hospital but they also need to be lightweight and easy to manoeuvre.

Adaptable and secure

Trolleys are available in different colours, which can help healthcare staff to know immediately what is in it, or what it is for in an emergency. Trolleys also need to be lockable, as drugs and personal items might need to be kept securely.

Stainless steel is a good choice

Stainless steel is very durable, plus it is easy to keep clean, to satisfy the strict hygiene standards required in hospitals.

Our trolley range

We are a leading supplier of good value, excellent quality products. Many of our trolleys are British made and are crafted from the best quality materials.