Us Brits love a good moan about the weather, but if you had to commute to work last week in the searing heat, it was probably justified. Travelling to work on packed trains, buses, and even being sat in the car in traffic when it’s hot can feel pretty unbearable. So how can you stay cool on your commute?

Carry an ice cold drink in a can or a frozen bottle of water

Aside from being able to drink these (the water when it starts to thaw, obviously), you can roll them over the pulse points on your wrists which science says has the effect of cooling the circulating blood which then cools the body down. You can also use cold compresses for the same effect.

Drink plenty

This sounds like an obvious tip, but ditch the morning latte and opt for cool water. If you have an insulated bottle, you can keep your water ice cold for a good few hours.

Invest in a battery-operated handheld fan

Sometimes you just need a bit of extra help to stay cool, and these can make the difference between arriving at work looking like a sweaty mess and being that bit more comfortable during your journey-every little helps!

Wear light fabrics

Dress in light fabrics in light colours, and opt for natural materials like cotton or linen. Avoid darker colours because they absorb heat and will leave you feeling decidedly flustered by the time you get to work.

If you’re driving

  • For the love of God, avoid heavy denim or corduroy, and opt for clothing you can easily move around in. You might feel like going barefoot, and while it’s not illegal to drive like this, if your feet are sweaty it might be dangerous. Opt for light pumps, breathable trainers or deck shoes.
  • Freeze bottles of water so you and your passengers have your own portable ice pack to use on your forehead and pulse points as needed.
  • If you put damp cloths a few inches from the air vents, it can have the same effect as air conditioning.
  • Have paper and handheld fans at the ready.

When you park

To avoid having to get into a car that feels like a sauna:

  • Don’t park in direct sunlight. If you have no choice, put a windscreen shade on the dashboard to reflect the sun’s heat away.
  • Cover your steering wheel or spray it with water to cool it down.
  • Cover any exposed metal parts that kids could come into contact with.
  • When you start driving, move off with the windows open. This will help take the edge off the heat.
  • This goes without saying, but never leave children or pets in a hot car. It can get very hot inside a short space of time, even with a window cracked open.