Has your business had a summer sales slump? In the summer, kids are off school and people jet off on holiday, so business can be really slow. Here are our tips to bring in some extra sales and hopefully stave off the slowdown in the summer months.

Hold a social media competition

Even if people are away or busy, they usually still check social media. Try running a competition to reach a wider audience and hopefully attract some attention and sales. The competition and prize should reflect the type of business you run, and you can offer anything from physical prizes to discounts and vouchers.

Don’t slash prices

It can be tempting to slash prices to attract customers, but remember, the more you cut prices, the more profit you’re losing out on. Instead, why not try adding extra value to whatever you offer, by offering something extra, like a longer warranty or free accessories?

Take every opportunity to market your business throughout the year

If you haven’t already, mark special holidays and awareness days on your wall planner and push your marketing a little harder around those times. Think spring clearance sale, Christmas offers, and new year sales.

Offer a new product or service

It might seem counterproductive to spend time and energy on marketing a new product or service when business is slow, but think about it- if there’s not much happening during the summer and not many businesses are releasing anything new, whatever you have to offer is going to stand out that bit more.

Join forces with another business

Coming to a mutually beneficial arrangement with a business whose products or services complement yours is a great idea. You could offer customers who spend over a certain amount a discount off goods and services with your partner.

Don’t get too down-hearted

Don’t be too negative about the slowdown in front of employees. Try and keep people motivated, and get them behind the sales boosting ideas we’ve mentioned above. Plus, if business is manic all year round apart from the summer, you’re allowed to take your foot off the gas a little when things are quieter. Take the time to rejuvenate and regroup, then come back fresh and ready to do business again.