Essential Back to School Trolleys for the New Term

It’s that time of year again, the summer holidays are a distant memory and a new school year has begun. Schools need a never ending supply of equipment and books, and this means that to keep everything running smoothly, equipment like trolleys are needed to move items around. Plenty of storage is also needed for equipment, files, and books.

Cuts to school budgets also means that resources have to be shared between classes and departments, and they need to be moved around or stored efficiently between uses.

Here are some of the best trollies for getting the jobs done in schools;

Essential trolleys for schools

Chair Trolleys

These are a handy tool to have to move chairs in and out of classrooms, break rooms, and assembly halls. The chairs stack neatly on to the trolley and they can be moved around quickly and easily.

A hanging chair trolley is ideal for transportation of folding chairs.

Trolleys for books   

Book trolleys can act as temporary libraries or extra storage for books. They can also be used in classrooms and offices to store files and folders where space is at a premium. The trollies can be moved around so files, folders, and books can be easily taken to where they are needed.

Stainless steel trolleys for the canteen

Stainless steel trolleys are both hygienic and useful for kitchen staff to move catering supplies around. Trollies can also come in handy when staff are getting rid of kitchen waste. They can come in handy as temporary storage for products when new stock is delivered and it has to be checked and put in the correct place.

Office trolleys

These trolleys can be a godsend in offices where there are lots of files and records to store or move around. Filing cabinets can take up a lot of space, so a trolley is an adaptable and mobile storage solution.

Storage trolleys for PE equipment

If smaller items for PE lessons need to be sorted and accessed regularly, why not consider investing in some container trucks? These are perfect for keeping tennis balls and bean bags in so they don’t get lost or end up rolling all over the place!

If your school needs some versatile storage and equipment transportation solutions, look no further than our huge range of products where you’ll definitely find something to fit your needs and your budget.