What Are The Benefits of a Pallet Truck In The Transport Industry?


Pallet trucks are such a usual sight in warehouses and factories that they are almost unnoticed. They are just there, they just get used, they are stored neatly away, and they don’t cause any trouble. But without them, work for many thousands of people would be very different indeed. That would certainly be the case in the transport industry.

low-profileThe transport industry is exactly that; it’s about transport. And making moving anything easier and quicker is always going to be an advantage. It will save money and time, and it will also be safer for employees. All of these things can put you ahead of your competition, and in such a busy market, anything that gives you that extra edge should be considered.

One advantage of utilising pallet trucks in your business is the customer. Although you might easily be able to load up your vehicles with the correct goods (using your warehouse pallet truck), what happens when you get to your deliver destination only to find that there is no pallet truck there to help you unload? It might be that there are plenty of people around to help you offload, but it could just as equally be that there is a lone receptionist who cannot spare the time to be outside offloading heavy goods. What then? Without a pallet truck, your driver would have to break down each pallet and manually offload everything.

Having a pallet truck on board the lorry or van could save a huge amount of time and stress – everything will be unloaded quickly and efficiently, and they can be back in the cab driving to the next destination within minutes, instead of much longer times. That means that more drops can be made, and your business can handle larger quantities of goods – all of which is great for your bottom line.

Another bonus for the manual pallet truck is that there is no special operator’s licence needed. That means that, with health and safety training, any of your employees can use the equipment, and employers won’t have to pay for expensive training courses – another excellent cost saving!